More trippy than Dennis Kusinich at woodstock.
GAMEPLAY- Well prey starts you off in an unlikely tone for an alien a bar bathroom. Every thing is interactive from a jukebox to a pac-man rip off and keeps you interested in the inviroment itself and yet wanting to move on in the game. after a bar fight or two you get to understand the typical firstperson shooter type playstyle. You shoot with one trigger and do the secondary fire with the other trigger. Like halo and others of the genre you look and move with two thumbsticks....very typical. Once the stuff hits the fan you learn what makes this game very untypical. You are ubducted into an alien vessel and are unware why. Your enviroment around you is a very new place. Gravity isn't a dominering device yet actually manipulated. Your weapons are not of bullets and gunpowder yet more of an organic nature. Your gernades are alien crabs and upon ripping off all of it's legs you got an explosive gernade. Your shotgun is an acid shooter and your machine gun has a creature attached to the top that fires gernades. When playing the game for your first time you get what I call "gravity legs'" which is when you are kinda afraid from moving your feet off the ground....seriously this is the first game I have played that made me movement sick. Wall waking, portal flyin, gravity changin...screwin with your head. 8/10
GRAPHICS- Most were worried it would look like Doom and it really didn't...kinda. The graphics are really good and have good texturing and give you a sorta...unfamiliar feeling. This was born from the doom engine and had a better result. The sphere where the game takes place has an orgainc meetalic overlay to it and It shows nicely...with pulsating walls oozing with secretions and metal trying to hold it in place you get a feeling that is very odd. Green mist is in some larger rooms with metal walkways overruning it. Very great graphics. 9/10
SOUND- The sound is an odd bunch. You have a really stellar soundtrack that convinces you of your strange suroundings with reminicint music coming in from feeds on earth and Art Bell radio "listen-ins" from callers on earth and amazing sound affects from the creatures themselves the sound...well...sounds good. The problem is the voice acting...very few characters "keep it real" and give convincing perfomances and ends up sounding like a resident evil soapopra...."TOMMY SAVE ME!" "I WILL JEN!" It's all too corny and is worse than a keannu reeves good-bad cop movie.
VALUE- Once again we get the good and the bad....the single player is really great....too bad there isn't enough of it. The Multiplayer is not that great....too bad there is too much of it. That simple....done.
So overall this mixture of a trippy soap opra mel gibson film extravoganza gets a good ole 7.9 SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES...TOO LAZY.