Prey is one of my favorite first person shooters, i have seen the graphics and the variety of weapons that the player is aloud to use. This game gives the perfect challange that a first person shooter riquires to have a enteraining side. The enemies are one of the most favorite things that the game has to offer. Wlaking on walls is not somethign that you don't see very often. I have to say that the game just offers a fantastic ability to control the amount of times that have to play this game over and over. If you are a fan of the First Person Shooter youmust take a look to what the game has to offer.
Other Helpful Reviews for Prey (Collector's Edition)
I commend the programmers who literally defied gravity with Prey. Prey is easily one of the most innovative FPS games i have played in a long while. With so many twists and turns this game has the ability to make its fir... Read Full Review
Well I have to say I wasn't dissapointed in this release one bit. So far every game that has looked to be promising has let me down. (Cromehounds, Over G Fighters, X-Men) Well I guess I just have high hopes for all games... Read Full Review