I wonder how many people may have been offended by this game? I know tha in the USA Natives ae treated differently then hey are here up in Canada. Now I didnt find too many totally racist things, but there was the odd tidbit here and there that gave me a twinge of regret, now I say regret because of all the racial troubles we have, someting with ammunution for people that take it for more then it is, ie: like how a game can overshodow good intentions... I can see where the wanted to go with this game, and some of th Native Spirit options in the game show off what they were indeed doing.. On the other hand, with the tensions and fighting here in Canada with the Natives reclaiming land and bloddshed on both sides, I wonder how much research the creators did if any, and that is my oint I suppose,, the game is good, but at what cost?
...incase anyone may have been wondering, I am the peace-loving, seeing-no-colors in anyone type of person, and it sadens me when I see good work, go wrong.. cause I know there are already people using this as ammnition for other motives .. and that is the sadest part...
Ohh.. and you should probably rent the game cause you will breeze through the levels.. I have yet to try the multiplayer (which will come today) but I can't imagine a typical doom style game (multiplayer) makin a difference to cause a purchase rather then a rental.
peace all!
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