User Rating: 9.8 | Prey (Collector's Edition) X360
Prey is the best fps I've played in a long while. The biggest thing about PREY is the gravity puzzles, at times you'll need to shoot (or "activate") an anti-gravity switch to swap the gravities level, allowing you to walk on the walls and cielings. and there are gravity paths that will atuomaticly allow you to walk along the walls. The weapons fells a little limited, you have the gun that you'll use the most, the cool gun that doesn't have enough ammo, and gernades. You don't EVER have to reload guns, this is good, because your enemies don't play around. even on normal (there is no easy settings, sorry noobs) the aliens will prove to be a worthy foe, they'll dodge, take cover, and even try to flank you time by time. But you don't have to worry about too many enemies, the types of aliens are low, you have the fighters, workers, and attack dogs. You gotta love those attack dogs. And before you ask, yes the warp tunnels are cool and they really do work. The odd thing about PREY is its multi-player. One can vs friends on live and system link, but you can't play on a single 360. Why? I don't know, you just can't. multi-player is very weak, on live you move normaly, problem is everything is twisted. Players I faced moved faster than they would in the game. But trust me, after playing the single player, you won't care. the graphics on the 360 isn't the best, it still doesn't look as good as OBLIVION, or GEARS OF WAR. But it is by far, the most fun, and addictive fps I've played since HALO 2. The story will keep you coming back, but the rewards for finishing the story on both deficulties is weak, I'm not going to say how weak, but it's weak. It's weaker than HALO 2s' ending. But that's ok, this is a must buy game for those with a 360, loves fps, and/or loves a story that makes sense.