It was already known that Prey would a game like never before, but is it really?
You are a native american living with your girlfriend at a reservation. The only thing keeping you on your feet is the fact that someday, your life will be better and meaningful. Until...
Graphics: 9
why? Doom 3 polished up. The graphics are just simply amazing, though the physics are sometimes a big awkward. The idea of the ship being totally organic is very well shown and you really feel that the ship is alive. Several times the game just creeped me out.
Sound: 7
Eventhough the music sounds good, the guns are nice, the "alien" noises are good it still scores a 7. why? The voices in the game are not that great, they sound... just not right, they dont respond how they should do sometimes. The text also feels a lot like it's read of a piece of paper instead with a little improvising to make it sound more believable. Also the amount of swearing in this game is kinda unnecesary and couldve been left behind.
Value: 7
The game is not very lenghty and overall it's also pretty easy and after beating the game once, i dont see myself going to do more stuff... cause there isnt any. No bonus stuff, no collectables, etc.
Though i havent played multiplayer YET, i still think it wont be that great because the gunplay in the single player isnt all that.
Gameplay: 9
Prey has some very unique element in it, which makes this game awesome. Stuff like: portals, wall/ceiling walk, gravity shifting and out-of-body-gameplay. With the portals, wall/ceiling walk, out-of-body-gameplay and gravity shifting they made some really nice puzzles, but once you figured it out, the magic is lost (your likely to run into more of those kind of problems). The gunplay in this game isnt all that. Every gun remains effective during the whole game, but 2 guns stand out for being crap: the shotgun (spray gun) and the rocketlauncher, the feel really underpowered compared to the rest.
To rap it:
ok sounds, awesome graphics, awesome gameplay and decent value.
i think this game deserves a lot of credit and therefore i give it a tilt of 9!