Beware - not for the faint of heart, weak of stomach....
The game's graphics are VERY impressive.. much better than what I've CURRENTLY seen in game's that where released before it. While some of the idea's in the game have truly been used in other games (Like Halo's sticky granade, only this time it's some... bug.. like thing...) others are unique
Portal's are the main source of getting around in the game, kind of depressing that the AI isn't smart enough to CLOSE those portals on you.. oh well that's the limit's of technology I guess
The game has a very high fear factor. I mean I thought F-E-A-R (First Encounter Asault Recon) was scary, this game actually take's the cake and spin's it around, LITERALLY
Now, I don't like it when children are harmed as it get's my blood to boil. Well, there's a lot of that in the first part of the game from what I've seen. So if you love children, or are a grade school teacher, this isn't the game for you. Trust me some of the scene's will get you sick (or give you a headache, like I have right now..)
But other than that, this game is worth getting. But again:
not for the faint of heart, weak of stomache, or if your a grade school teacher.... end of discussion.