One of the most underrated PS2 masterpieces to date. A must have for your collection.
You play the game mostly as Jen. She can take the forms of four different beast like creatures. You fight along side your small gargoyle "friend" name Scree. Your in a strange world and he is there to help you along the way and show you how to control your newly acquired power. Oh, and your on a quest to save your boyfriend who was taken away by a creepy monster in a night club to another world. You find out that bad things are happening and you must put order to world to find your boyfriend.
Throughout the game you switch back and forth between Scree and jen to solve puzzles and fight bad guys.
The enviroments in this game are nice and detailed and the story is very interesting. I find that I love this game so much because it has alot of memorable moments, funny and shocking. And I also think the voice work is superb for a ps2 title.
I mean the only reason I bought it was because it was cheap and had cool box art. I had no idea that it would turn out to be one pf the best ps2 games I ever played.