The way that any remastered game should be done!
User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia Classic X360
It should be known that this review is coming from someone who truly enjoyed the original game in all of its glory, especially the extended version that was released on SNES some years later. The Prince of Persia franchise is one that has opitimized the side-scrolling adventure, and acted as something of a poster-child for that genre. This game is a completely remastered version of the original Prince of Persia game, and this version certainly sets the bar for all others who would release a remastered version of an older classic! All of the gameplay has been tweaked, and the result is a smoother version of an already successful game. Running and jumping (which is easily the most common action in the game) has become much more fluid, and allows for a greater feel of control and success out of your character's movement. On top of that, some smaller features of jumping and climbing have also been tweaked, which only add more options and control over your character's acrobatic skills (of which he is already a master!). What's more, the sword fighting has been re-worked, making each duel seem a bit more realistic; the result being that every swordfight throughout the game has a more dramatic (if not theatric) feel to it. With all of those added tweaks in gameplay, this game is already well worth the Microsoft Points...but there's more! The graphics on every aspect have been re-worked, and the result is quite possibly the most gorgeous side-scrolling adventure yet! Lighting effects and environment interaction takes on a whole-new aspect of realism, while all of the characters within have an awesome sharpness and realism attached. The final verdict? If you are a fan of side-scrolling adventures, this is a must-have...if you are a fan of the series, then you are simply wasting time reading my review when you could be playing this game!