A good game, but not a good Prince of Persia game.
In WW you could do the following to 1 enemy: jump over him slash and kick him (slash-slash, kick-kick or, if he was low on health slash/kick-steal weapon-kill), grab-choke-throw/steal weapon-kill, attack him directly, if you had a weapon throw it at him or if he's close to a wall run up that wall and then either jump and do a slash (angel drop i think it was called) or something like a hurricane (this one i don't remember). And on the part with direct attack you also have about 10 combos if i remember correctly.
Now at the FS part you can: attack him directly, power attack him or jump over him and attack him. What does this tell you? If I remember correctly Ubi promised us FREE-FORM combat not THREE-FORM combat.
The reason why this game gets an 8 is because of it's platforming, which is great, but if we take that away this installment losses all it's good points.
And in the end I'll leave you with just this: when they said FS will have combat with 50 enemies I almost pissed and craped my pants at the same time because of a simple reason: I thought it was gonna be combat similar with WW, but a little easier because of the number! Ow how foolish I was!