May not be the best in the series but it's worth playing.
GRAPHICS: Very, very good graphics, in fact great. The palace and other environments look great. Water is nicely done. Those paintings on the walls will catch your attention. Everything looks astonishing except the characters and enemies. Prince is way different than before. Enemies are repetitive and they look cheap. Animations are cool. PoP The Forgotten Sands is full of visual glitches, bugs and frame rate hiccups. I hate that. If there wasn't for this problems, this game would be beautiful.
score: 8.5/10
GAMEPLAY: Like every Prince game this game's gameplay is mix of combat, platforming and occasionally puzzle solving. I'll start with platforming cause i liked it a lot. It's just awesome to climb and wallrun everything you see. With some cool Djinn powers Prince can clim warerfalls. If you jump in the wrong direction, just activate the power of time and undo your mistakes. I really liked platforming and when you are running over walls avoiding traps and blades. Prince is true athlete and acrobat.
Puzzles were somewhat easy but joy to solve. Only hated when you have to turn the cranks cause it's just broken and poorly done.
My biggest problem with this game was the combat. It's very easy to kill your foes and you have only one weapon and that's your sword. You can't do crazy combos and fighting with it is boring and monotonous. You can kick an enemie but it doesn't damage him and for me it was useless. Sure that your powers help but not much. There are some camera issues as well. I'm not saying it's hard and annoying to play but it's just lame. Thankfully it's almost all about platforming and that's what's great.
score: 8/10
STORY: It's hard to tell without spoiling much but i'll try. Your father has sent you to go visit your brother at his palace to learn how to be a leader. When you arrive, the palace is under siege and your brother in a desperate attempt to save the kingdom releases the mythical army to defeat his opponents. But the things don't go that simple and all soldiers are turned into sand monsters. Now it's up to you to save the palace and your brother...
score: 8.5/10
SOUND: Audio is ok. Voice acting is ok. Prince often speaks and comments on the situations he finds himself in and that's funny. Background music is good and it changes to great when you're speaking with Razia. Sounds of combat are ok.
score: 8/10
REPLAY VALUE: If you're hunting trophies this game will provide one, maybe two additional playthroughs. It's easy to plat. There is famous ubisoft uplay system and battle arena.
score: 7.5/10
OVERALL: Pretty decent game with great platforming and interesting story. Fans may find it a bit disappointing but all in all good addition to the series. If you get the chance to play it, i say go for it.