Copy of Assassin's Creed jumping, climbing challenges, simply the worst camera angle issues I've ever come across.

User Rating: 5 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PC
This game seems okay in the beginning, by the first boss fight you think you've got the camera angle issues figured out...then you fight the boss. The boss fight is difficult only because the camera won't view the angle you need it to, and it keeps shifting to some predetermined angle, which allows for you to get hit by the boss! The first boss fight is a copy of the Batman Arkham City fight with Bane, where he charges, and the first Arkham Asylum fight, where I think the brothers charge at you, so it should be relatively easy. I'm glad I bought it at $20, because I don't mind uninstalling it.

By the way, this is almost an exact copy of the style used in Assassins Creed inside climbing challenges. Even down to the camera moving through the 3d space to show you the route of jumping and climbing. I will admit I don't mind those challenges, but the camera issue is brutal...I don't believe Ubisoft released it, guess it was for a higher profit margin, and to make you feel like you played the game for a while.