Welcome back baby! Prince of Persia fans rejoice!
User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands X360
The Prince has made his grand return to consoles after his previous masterpiece. With him he brings changes and similarites with the famed Sands of time. This is my favorite game series so I was incredibly exicited when it hit stores. The Prince looks very diffrent but resembles his new movie counterpart very well. He's as charming as ever to say the least. And never repeats a line. The game starts out slow but quickly gains speed in platforming and combat. The combat is very simplistic but enjoyable and platforming is as graceful and exiting as ever. The Prince still has the ability to turn back time with the ability to freeze water on command. Somtimes however the water is not in synch and you'll have to freez and unfreez in mid-air wich can be nerve racking. A shot of adrenalyn fills youre vains as you leap into the next platforming segment and seeing what crazy thing you have to do next is the driving force of the game. The game takes place after the the sands of time. But the story is weak and cliche unlike the movie (5/5 by the way) wich it is not about. That and there is not much reason to come back besides challenge rooms, maxing out youre character, and finishing up the achivements list. Speak of the devil all achivements have the same art but make up for it with names like ''Anger Management'' and ''Floors are for losers''. The best moments are platforming where you mix up youre powers. In the end, tough there in not much to draw you back, The Forrgoten Sands is a adventure well worth taking. Welcome back Prince. We missed ya!