The best platforming in a POP game mixed with the worst combat in a POP game

User Rating: 8 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PS3
The Forgotten Sands brings some of the best platforming in a POP game ever sadly it is held back by terrible camera angles, an extremely weak combat system,bland story and boring characters.

The graphics in forgotten sands are good and the areas are very colorful and vivid,the story is the usual POP style,the prince goes to a castle,it's under attack and he must stop whatever sinister is happening not interesting but ubisoft did give the prince new powers to play around with,the powers are classified(by me)into two categories the first being platforming powers like reversing time, freezing water, dashing through mid-air or accessing memory to rebuild structures, the second type of powers are the combat powers like the rock Armour,whirlwind,flame trail and ice trail.

The platforming powers are a blast to use and each area(especially in the second half)is cleverly designed and make full use of all the powers, i must point out the freezing water and memory sections are outrageously fun to play,even when you have none of these powers the platforming is fun but gets boring.

The combat,this is where the game went wrong BADLY,in the previous game there would be 5-6 enemies on the screen,this time around there are about 20 on-screen and even with the sheer number of enemies,there is no sense of challenge,the combat gets repetitive very early and the powers are no fun to use at all,the rock Armour and whirlwind with these two powers you can be nearly invisible,whilrwind knocks enemies on the ground,they die in in one hit if on the ground and rock Armour absorbs hits,combine these two together and your GOD in the game,this takes out the challenge aspect and makes the game WAY too easy and the camera angles don't help either you might die cheaply when wall running just cause the camera inverted.

The game isn't a bad game just that it has no challenge in the combat area and has a bad story but it makes up for it with it's absolutely superb platforming and colorful world