Does the game trying to bring back the series succeed? In short no. In long...
This is a prequel to Warrior Within, the second instalment in the trilogy. It starts off with you, the Prince of Persia travelling to visit your brother who is going to teach you how to become a leader. However, your brother's city gets invaded and his troops are all wiped out. In a fit of desperation he opens the vault to Solomon's Army in the hope that the Army will fight for him. Loe and behold they don't and the Prince and him try to stop the army before it destroys all of Persia.
Eh. Story was alright, was pretty predictable and I didn't even get sad at the 'dramatic' conclusion. The girl accomplish was a bit of a prick too, ungrateful b****
Gameplay; At least they got this right. The game play is bloody fantastic! I instantly became stuck in the trance of running on walls and leaping incredible lengths. This time round you gain the ability to rewind time, make water solid, transport to enemies and recall broken objects. It may seem like a big mess of different things but that's what keeps it fresh and entertaining right until the last boss battle.
Without spoiling anything you the two main bosses are incarnations of a God/Jhin. The models are badass and really put you in a sense of awe. Unfortunately there are repeats of minibosses far too often and it's disappointing to have to fight them for the 5th time.
Character models;
Basically there are only 4 different enemies, and the first time you look at them you think they're threatening, but after hours into the game you lose interest and I personally only kept playing for the platforming.
Yes. YES. YEEEESSSS. Perfect.
Length; I finished it in roughly one Saturday, and considering I bought it when it first came out, it wasn't exactly value for money. I think you can pick it up for $30 these days though.
Hype; Did it live up to my expectations? No. Was it worth the playthrough? Yup, played through it twice.
The story wasn't revolutionary, but it at least gave a driving force behind the blood shed... or should I say sand shed... nuk nuk nuk.. the character models are repeated too often, which is a shame because the art directors show potential in the bosses. The graphics are just... yes. And lastly the length was a bit too short for my taste. All in all though the platforming makes the game a sweet taste of nostalgia and this game is worth a rent.
It certainly doesn't live up to it's predecessors but it damn well tried. I gave it a 6.5 because it's decent.
Sofle Rofls Rating system
I find that high ratings are given out too often, a 5 should be a decent game, not a pewp one.
1-3: Avoid or hire out
4-5:hire out and decide for yourself
6-7:above average, consider buying
8-9:must own experience