The main problem I had with this game was I never read the instructions that kept popping up midway, so I took more time to beat it than i should have. The level design is excellent, and the puzzles challenging without being frustrating. My only complaint was the combat, which consisted only of repeated spamming on the attack button, and generally lacked depth. Well, aside from that, it was also a bit too short, but excellent nonetheless. The sand powers were well implemented, and the save system was quite good, but occasionally dropped you in strange places. Also, after about three times of this autosave-sort of loading, you would get a game-over, which was quite right, i thought. The graphics were good, and the controls were such that it was quite easy to do what you wanted. The main strength of this game, however, is in the platforming segments, and it seemingly focuses on these to the extent that the other aspects of it are almost derivative. Yet these are so excellent that they make it a great game in its own right, and one with a lot of depth.
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