Jumping from pillar to pillar fighting some magic enemy's....The Prince of Persia released the Sands.....
It's probably because I miss the guide book that I didn't knew how to do mega freeze, nor did I know that if an enemy did a "round"-attack(he trows all the people around him on the ground) you could jump to avoid the attack, I lost lots of battles because I didn't know that...but ok that's no good excuse for bad things about the game...that's my fault.
But the fights were sometimes really hard,but that doesn't makes it less cool, you can jump over enemy's and trow them to the ground you can roll and sting, quite much possibilities to defeat an enemy but it was still really hard to my opinion.
The parts were you need to jump and swing yourself trough levels are really cool, if you are a freerunner or you would like to do it this game is really a must-have.
Another good thing about the game is that there are some puzzles in it, not super hard but you need to think when you have for pillars sticking out of some walls and you need to put them in the right directions.
The feature that you're able to turn back time is really cool and really handy,only you get really used to it and that's sometimes quite annoying when you play 2 games at the time, when you first play pop and then another fps you might wanna turn back time, but thats impossible xP
Well, al together I thought of it as a hard but really cool game.
And then I only mean the fights that are hard....and maybe...too long *-)