Take On An Entire Beach Of Sand Monsters!
You play as The Prince (his name is never clearly stated throughout the series), and you can do crazy sorts of free running manouvers, which will help you complete most of the games crazy puzzles and traps, which make for many innovative ways of trying to kill you. You are one of the only people still alive on earth, the only others being a girl named Farah, who has a special artifact which keeps her safe from the sand, and the evil wizardy dude who is trying to kill you. You are armed with a sword, and your Dagger of Time for most of the game, and you will get better swords, and more time powers, though the basic time powers are rewinding time, slowing down time, and stopping time completely, enabling you to move like lightning. For most of the game, you'll be running across walls, jumping off walls, swinging off poles, and doing all sorts of crazy stuff to get to the top of the castle. This is extremely fun, becuase you really have to think about what abiltity to use to get around. Another nice feature, is the three camera angles. You can go first person to look around on the spot, have the basic third-person camera, or a far away camera which gives a cinematic view of the entire area, and you can zoom in or out with this camera. This is fun, but it is a little inconvienient in really closed in areas.
The sword fighting would get boring, but you can run up walls, vault over enemies, or go right through them to kill them, you then must hit "Y" or they'll get right back up and try to kill you.
Overall, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a great title for anyone with a Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, or PC.