Why would any gamer ignore this exciting game?

User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PC
I just completed this game and came away impressed. You'll find the game easier to control if you have one of the Thrustmaster pads. I had to knock the game down a bit for this. It should support other models but only supports three TM models. Fortunately, I got one of the older TM pads from Amazon.com for about $15. The controls for this game are near perfection. It reminds me a lot of Metroid Prime because the developers understood the need for forgiving, simplistic controls. Fighting your character's movement sucks the life out of any game. When you die in POP, it is because of something YOU did, not the game. The only mark against it would be a couple of occasions where you have to quickly leap from wall to wall to move up or down, Most of the time you can do it in your sleep. But, twice in the game, the rhythm changed up for some unknown reason causing me to die a lot in those areas. Also, the camera sometimes likes to fight with you for control. This is very rare, but still annoying when you're unsure and are forced to take a leap of faith. Combat is easy to learn AND easy to master. Before you know it, you'll take down enemies like a pro. Still, it never got boring to me. I always looked forward to kicking some butt after a long puzzle sequence. And just wait until you get the powered-up sword near the end! The graphics are simply gorgeous. I'm running it on a Radeon 9800 Pro, 1 GB of RAM, and a P4 processor. Frame rate is completely smooth. Your jaw will drop when you've been working to get to the top of some tower and look down at the scenery below! The story is quite interesting. It has a few twists that I think you'll like. The voice acting is just superb! 'Nuff said! The big downer: The game is very short. Just as you start to get addicted to it, you'll be fighting the last enemy. But that's what sequels are for, right?