User Rating: 8 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time XBOX
Here is the real review of prince of persia. I am a seasoned gamer who has played all different genres in my life. The adventure genre has to be my favorite one. Back in 1989 as a boy I remeber my dad bringing home a motherboard (or something) bundled with the PRINCE OF PERSIA. Hands down one of the greatest games of my time (the blood was a nice touch too, kinda the Manhunt of 1989:) This version dumbs down alot it seems for casual gamers. I didnt once get stuck, figured out all the puzzles within seconds and beat the game in less than seven hours. KUDOS for including the original two games and a fully rendered version of the original first level. (up to the point of old games where the cd key was finding the letter next to "the" on page 34 in your Prince of Persia manual) The combat is probably the most fusterating aspect in this game. I ran into a lot of clipping as well as having my female compaions head disapear! It scared me more than the battle between myself and my mirrored image in the original!!! The game seemed very bugy I wonder if anyone else has had this issue. Overall descent game. Beyond good and evil was just as long, but I couldnt put that one down (plus its only 20 bucks). I dont know what all the fuss is about this piece of software.