A must-buy title for Gamecube owners.......
Well, what can I say that has not been said? The Sands of Time is a very balanced and complete game that keeps your attention and keeps you playing to find out what happens next. The voiceover work, background music and verbal script is on par with any great adventure story. The enviornments are complete, detailed and sell the story being told.
I spent around 15 hours to complete the game and that feels about right. The story was well paced and near the end of the game you have all your fighting combo's down. This is one of those games where you stand up and appluad when the ending credits start to roll............yeah, its THAT good!
Being a current PS3 owner and having played a slew of title for that system, I have to say the POP: Sands of Time compares to newer games quite well. The graphics may be a bit dated by todays standards, but you would be hard pressed to find a modern game with this kind of balance, quality and satisfaction. If you have been on the fence about this game, like I was for 5 years, just go buy it. At this point you can find a good used copy for $10 - $15
While I have completed the game, I still have a lot of adventure left to discover, as I ordered Warrior Within and The Two Thrones so I can play them all in succession........so enough talk, its time for me to start Warrior!