I was a little underwhelmed with PoP, but it is a fun game to play through thanks to all the crazy acrobatics you can do
User Rating: 7 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2
I don't know why this game is getting such rave reviews. It isn't that it is a bad game persay, but at around the halfway point it has given you all it has to offer and the rest of it is just a chore to get through. Combat is a repetitive press of the same button and the enemies are all the same with little variation. Every once in a while you fight birds, bats or something like that. The only thing that made this game fun was the crazy acrobatic moves that prince can do. And the puzzles and such you have to solve using these acrobatic moves. The graphics are really nice and the sound is great, the voice acting is solid. The only real place this game suffers is in the combat area. But this is a big hit since there is a lot of combat throughout the game. I can recommend you try this game because it's very possible you will like it, but I don't think it is for everyone.