Sept 2007, Terrible controls and horrendous battle system make this a game to avoid

User Rating: 4.5 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PC
2007: At 4 years old, Prince of Persia does not hold up well at all. The graphics and animations are the best part of this game.

Everything else is ruined by the Terrible controls. Here are a few of the problems

-Camera switching instantly, making you move the wrong way
-performing the wrong special moves over and over on walls
-slow response for the reverse feature causes all sorts of issues, like double tapping, wasting your sand, and screwing you out of reverse time
-Combat controls are atrocious. Hard to move away from an enemy because you stay looked on.
-The game often chooses the wrong enemy to perform an attack on
-Hard to choose which enemy you want to attack off a wall attack

I only rate this game Hard, because it is hard to get your character to move the way you want him to. I can't count the number of times I've cursed at the game because it doesn't do what you want. Combat is desperately boring and tedious. The puzzles sections barely save this game from getting thrown in the garbage.