The game is short and easy to beat but every moment in this game is exciting and thrilling which makes it a great play.

User Rating: 8.5 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PC
The game is certainly a masterpiece. This is the first game that I played from start to the end and I can definitely say that it grows on you and is very addictive. The game made me a fan of the series and the genre because It has everything that a good game needs i.e a good storyline, graphics, great soundtracks and a good gameplay. You can perform gravity-defying stunts and kill your enemies in the most unusual of ways. Its a must buy for everyone.

"Most people say that time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I've seen the face of time and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am or why I say this. Sit down, and I will tell you a tale like none of which you have ever heard........."

Our young and ambitious hero unravels his journey from this game. The story begins in the medieval period after the prince and his father have killed the Maharaja when our hero finds a dagger which mysteriously unleashes the sands of time that transforms the inhabitants of the kingdom into sand demons. The Prince's aim is clear, he has to rectify his own mistake and change everything back to how it used to be......

A decade and a half back the 2D Prince of Persia became really popular and dazzled the players and the 3D one does the same, actually it makes it even better. Even though the battles are a bit to simple, the puzzles are mind boggling and require a lot of thinking though, you won't find yourself struggling to get out of a place because all you need to do is to concentrate on the situation and apply your mind accordingly......a bit of luck does help always. The prince has a variety of moves which defy gravity like running along wall large distances, jumping from pillar to pillar, swinging from bars, running horizontally up the wall and may more. The classic combos that the Prince performs make the game even more exciting and thrilling, like the slow down time power, replaying a particular situation, bouncing from walls and killing multiple enemies at once etc.

As I mentioned that the battles were a bit too easy there were some moments during these enemy battles were the only times in Prince of Persia that I found to be frustrating. It wasn't the fault of the gameplay mechanics as it was an incredibly enjoyable feature of the game. However, there were times when gigantic enemies that were too large and skilled to spring over would surround the Prince and the camera would pop over to a very unfavorable angle, such as behind a pole or wall. The game has a couple of bosses(Prince's father who is also infested by the sands of time and the Vizier) both are easy to beat though the not-so-good camera angles, as I said, made these easy battles a bit tedious.

The Graphics and the environments are drop dead gorgeous which is the biggest plus point to this game. The calm and beautiful surroundings really astounded me when I played the game. Plus, the great soundtracks that play in the background are spell bounding are soothing which really adds to the excellence of this game.

All in all, I think, this game is a great start to the trilogy and sets high expectations from the other two games of the series. Its a must buy for all POP lovers, so if you haven't yet played the game then go get a copy and start your journey. Its my guarantee that you'll like it.


Pros: Great Graphics, Soundtracks and game play
Cons: Too easy and short