DJ's review of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

User Rating: 4.2 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2
I have to admit before I played this game I was very optimistic, because of what everyone was saying.Oh Prince of Persia is so great, over and over again.
Well when I played it I wasn't liking it, but I gave it several chances.I never got into it.Don't get me wrong this game is gorgeous, and the story line is well done.But the game itself, The game sucks!
The controls are unbearable.The difficulty level is harder than Micheal Jackson in the boy's restroom.I couldn't even get past the 2nd or 3rd level.I wanted to like this game, but could never get into it.
Others praised it, but I say stay away at all costs.I'm sorry, but I can't reccomend it.You're not missing much anyway!