Even when compared to some of the newer offerings in the series, it remains a marvel of action and puzzles that satisfy

User Rating: 9 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2
Although now considered "old" when compared to its two PS2 sequels and new release on PS3 & XBOX 360, Prince of Persia:Sands of Time revolutionizes the traditional platformer in a manner that keeps the player attentive, interested and continuously desiring to make progress in the game. It astute ability to integrate its puzzles into the constant actions of fighting, wall-running, jumping and swinging create a compelling combination that stands the test of time even when compared with newer games of similiar type such as Assassins Creed and the new Prince of Persia. Its also manages to use the element of controlling or rewinding time to an extent not seen in previous games or systems and much better than almost any other game since. The enemies become tougher as the game progresses and, after about 10-15% of the game is complete, the only method to completely kill some of them is with the dagger of time. In contrast to some previous games in the series, the controls work quite well and most players will not encounter the player-control issues they may have experienced on the PC/NES/SNES/Genesis versions of the 2D sidescroller.

About the only problems I have experienced with this game are a few graphics glitches at very few selected spots. Aside from that, it is an absolutely great game that even outshines some of the PS3 and X360 games created around a similar design. If you haven't played it and still own a PS2, XBOX or PC, please find it and fire it up. You won't be sorry.