An Amazing game with few interesting puzzles n Lots of sword action!
Scorpio_gamer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4
Its about a prince who’s kingdom is in grave danger, he goes through lot of difficulties to save his father and his kingdom with the help of a sweet girl named Sarah. His father’s assistant,vizier, betrays him to this whole mess! The story and the gameplay are very cool!
In this game, you have some thing called slow motion and reverse time and rapid time motion. I think all these things are self-explanatory. Our protagonist, the prince of Persia is very athletic and very skilled, he performs a various range of moves to kill his enemies. You can cut them in halves. :D ! You have few puzzles n very interesting puzzles to be solved. The game is very challenging.
The graphics are nice but its all kinda animation not much of realistic stuff. Still the game rocks.
Sound is pretty cool! You’ll enjoy the game very much!!
The game is Short so you may be kinda bored after that but don’t forget to unlock the secret ORIGINAL Prince of Persia game. It’s a must buy title! Its one of the best of the series! If u have a controller the game is more easy to play !
Graphics - 9/10
Sound- 8/10
Gameplay- 8/10
Story-Line- 10/10
Overall- 9/10
Scorpio_gamer:- “Remember there is NO such thing as GAME OVER!!
So keep GAMING….!!”