A very good start to an excellent series and a very good game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time GC
Story: 9 It is very linear at first but once you get more into the game it starts to get a few twists and there is a very big twist at the end.

Graphics: 8 This is the perfect example of how to use cartoonish graphics. Character models and animations are amazing, enemies are detailed and easy on the eyes (even if they are ugly). The only gripe I have is that it is too bright and textures are fairly bland.

Sound: 10 My favorite soundtrack in the whole series (and not a note of crappy metal) it is quite haunting when exploring, chaotic and adrenaline pumping when in battle. Voices are perfect and I love the dialogue. None of the eneemies are annoying and SFX are cool.

Controls: 8 Everything is smooth and works how it should but combat is a tad button-mashy and the camera can screw up a lot of your jumps but that doesn't really matter because you rarely ever run out of sands (which allow him to use his time powers)

Entertainment: 8 This game is really fun in every aspect: Platforming (my favorite), combat, and puzzles.

Overall: 8.6 This is an overall great game and has a horde of new and fun ideas but beware the thrills dissipate after the first playthrough.