This is my first review.

User Rating: 9.1 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2
Prince of Persia:The Sands of Time was the first game I got for mij PS2 system and it's still one of the best games I've got. Sands of Time has got one thing that most games lack: an original setting, good platforming without looking childish and an amazing atmosphere. It looks like the entire game came out a storybook. I prefer this game rather than it's sequel (warrior within) because of the beter looking environment and magical feeling.

Prince of Persia:SoT has pretty good graphics(though the characters don't have fingers, just a thumb and the rest of the hand). The monsters look really cool (even though there aren't many types). And the effects of water and dirt falling down look pretty good as well.

The gameplay is more puzzle solving and platforming than combat. The combat system isn't very deep but the combat does look cool so you don't really notice it. The game isn't very difficult either. That doesn't mean it's a bad game it's just more about being a fun game with a good story and nice environments.

Value is pretty good. You can unlock the original Prince of Persia game.
And you'll definitely want to play through the game more than once.