Running On Walls, Rewinding Time and Saving The Day.... It Could Only Be The Prince Of Persia

User Rating: 9.2 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2
I got this game a while back with a 2 for 25 quid offer. I chose this game after i got Onimusha 3. I've played all the POP games in the series so far and they just keep getting better. You play as the prince (of course) whos returned from the island of time with the emperess of time. But, to your horror, the city in which you call home has been invaided by the Vssere, a bloke who seeks immortality. (Little bit of a heads up, this is futher in) He then kills the emperess of time and then stabs himself. When he does this the sands are released and everyone is corrupt just like in the first game. Except this time, the dagger of time belongs to the visere and so the prince is corrupt. Then your journey really begins, where you must attempt to kill the Visere whilst battleing with a plauge inside of you. This manifests itself in your randomly transforming into the Dark Prince. The only bad thing about this guy, is your health slowly goes down and the only way to refill it is by collecting the sands dropped by enemies and boxes. If your fond of the previous titles, i strongly suggest you get this one, as its a very addictive title.