Down Right The Best Action/Adventure Game

User Rating: 9.6 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PC
I am playing POP:T2T with an X700pro, 1GB ram at 1024x768, keyboard & mouse

1.Free form fighting - Kill enemies however you want. You can a) Jump, grab and throw your enemy, b) jump, grab and cut the enemy in the abdomen, c) my fav. a vertical wall run followed by a 360 sword/dagger swing on landing.
2.Speed Kill - makes gameplay extremely fast. No need to waste time on enemies; just walk to a enemy, BAM, speedkill move on.

Graphics: Average on character models. The prince's eyes are large and weird. Pretty appealing on background and foreground environment. Well done on cinematics - characeters look believable (not Kaileena though)...and attractive. However, in game graphics are not bad, but weak compared to many other games. But I didn't cry over that as graphics isn't a vital factor to gaming experience.

Excellent on voice acting. Background music and sounds are great. The sound when the sword lights up before a speedkill is defnitely heart pounding. Average on sword clashes.

For $20 you get relatively long satisfying gameplay, a great story that many games are lacking of, sweet cinematics and unlockable vid.clips. It's worth it.

.Immersive storyline
.Eye candy cinematics
.Jaw dropping action
.Extremely fast paced action
.Free-form combat
.Voice acting

.character model
.weak in-game graphics

Personally, I like action/adventure games. Sad thing is, they don't have much action/adventure games on PC. I love this game and I will play it again when I have the time. The story/cinematices are truly amazing. This games proves that you can have great games without top-notch graphics. I have the ghost recon advanced warfighter game for pc and although it has awesome graphics, I prefer the POP games more than it. It's just a preference. I guess there won't be any POP games anymore, but assassin's creed may possess the same concept as it did. I will be looking forward to that game as well.