Prince or Dark Prince: Its the question

User Rating: 10 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2
After the happen facts in The Sands of The Time and Warrior Within, the prince and Kaileena (Empress of the Time) return to Babylon in the search of a peaceful life. But this is is the unique thing that they did not found. The city is completely destroyed and they vassals are they enemies. The prince is captured and Kaileena is murdered. With Kaileena's death, the power of the Sands of the Time has been released. The Prince escaped with even a scratch (with the exception of a chain in his arm). With the Time Dagger the prince discover that he has been infected by the Sands of the Time, transforming yourself into a dark creature. With your second profile he go into a journey to discover what is happening. The additions of this game are: Speed Kills (what permit you kil enemies with only some hits), the Dark's Prince chains that can kill enemies with less hits then the other weapons and can make you run by the wall much more time and make you jump for longer distance, the Time Dagger that can be used in certain spot of the walls to help you to explore the game. Resuming a perfect ending for the series.