Satisfying finish to the Prince Of Persia trilogy.
Graphics are still the same, and still great thanks to the bloom effect used. Character models still look pretty nasty somewhat (it's passable but too aged) but everything else just looks great. The lighting, the light mist-like effect, everything just looks great and the stunning environments the series has boasted are back. It's truly a great feeling to be wandering around such majestic walls in Babylon (I think), where the Prince comes from.
Once again in cinematic cutscenes, the Prince looks nothing like he did in Warrior Within, and in Warrior Within he looked nothing like in Sands Of Time either. They made the characters look more Indian-ish this time around. It's pretty weird because you just don't recognise them but they're the same people you've seen in the previous games.
Voice-acting is solid as always and great to hear, though I like I said I still miss that English accent the Prince sported in the first game. There's none of that Godsmack rock tunes being used as BGMs anymore and while I personally had nothing against that, some people just felt it killed the series for them. Well all's well in Two Thrones as you get the good ol' Persian-ish tunes only once again.
And as with the previous Prince of Persia games, it's REALLY fun maneuvering your way throughout the game's environments. Scratch the combat, it's not changed much from the 2nd one but I don't really care as I've always found them to be a waste of time. Other than that the platforming elements in this game are superb. It's just so good as always trying to jump from ledge to ledge, swing from pole to pole, jump from pillar to pillar, wall to wall. You get what I'm saying? Love it.
Conclusion: You should get this game if you want to finish up the trilogy, it's worth it.