The series is sadly ending here for this prince, but with a bang!
As far as gameplay goes, everything still checks out and gets an A+....A darker side of you known throughout the game simply as The Dark Prince is your untapped potential, so says The Dark Prince himself. It is evident that he can kill your enemies much quicker and easier than the normal prince can, but of course there's a downer to this. Your health will constantly run out unless you have sand to fuel it, so it would be a wise move to find all existing health bonuses in the game so you'll have a sufficient supply that will last you.
The Dark Prince has a sort of personality of his own. In a way he is indescribable. His goals seem to be for a good cause, and he wishes to quicken The Vizier's death, but he is not willing to slow down and help others. His thoughts are centered on annihilating The Vizier. And you will destroy him but not on the Dark Princes watch.
An old friend from The Sands of Time has returned, Farrah, the princess of India. You shall meet up with her fairly soon in the game but she shall not help you combat wise as she did in The Sands of Time. However she still will help you in some areas, for instance there maybe a hanging crate that you need to move so you may hold a switch down, she will take an arrow and shoot it down for you. So Farrah is also a very helpful and contributing part of the game.
The game entirely will take you about 15 hours to get entirely through, that is if your slow like me. The ending i promise you will make you wish the series for that prince would continue and the story wouldn't end.
As far as the graphics go, they still look amazing. The landscapes and environments are dazzling in beauty, and the character models still look bright and vibrant as well. The lighting and shadowing in the game has noticeably improved, that itself makes it stand out from some games.
The replay value should rank at an 8, nothing really will change if you go through the game a second time. The combat will still be just as fun as will the running, tumbling, and jumping be also.
The bottom line for this game is it is purely a fun addicting game that you cant miss. The story's end will make you miss this prince, and prepare for a new one as well.
So anyone who has played any previous games in the series, or hasn't played a game in the series at all, this is a perfect game to play if your looking for an entertaining and story filled action/adventure game.