this game is a nice sequel 2 the last 2 games n this game is no doubt the best sequel in the game. ESPECCIALLY the transformation of the prince(called corupption in the game) is awesome but 2 take turns being the prince n the dark prince?errr....coz' i was hopin it was more like GOD OF WAR wich lets u transform anytime(but,u have 2 refill the bar first) but, i geuss its okay since u dont have 2 collect a lot of items(jems,beans,etc like all the other games) but the weak thing about being the dark prince is ur life goes down every 3 seconds but,the creators did a good job of spreadin enemys or jars containing sands of time wich replenishes ur,its not really a big deal.I also have 2 admit that the game has no violence at all!!! u cant slash an enemy into half or cuttin the head off . a BIG let down 2 the fans of the game but thnx 2 the great gameplay n boss battles n speed kills,yup speed kills!!! this makes the game more interesting!!! like god of war style!!! so guys this game wont let u down(well,not a lot)but overall,this game rox da world!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
It is impossible to review this game without a hard look back at its prequels: Sands of Time (SOT) and Warrior Within (WW). I belong to the group of people who think that SOT was an awesome, beautiful game and that WW ru... Read Full Review
Prince of Persia the two thrones is arguably the best ( and probably the last ) game from the sands of time of series.Tight controls and good level designs are one of the good aspects of this game. Gameplay has been take... Read Full Review