this game is definetly awesome but,.......wheres the violence n gore!!!

User Rating: 8.8 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2
this game is a nice sequel 2 the last 2 games n this game is no doubt the best sequel in the game. ESPECCIALLY the transformation of the prince(called corupption in the game) is awesome but 2 take turns being the prince n the dark prince?errr....coz' i was hopin it was more like GOD OF WAR wich lets u transform anytime(but,u have 2 refill the bar first) but, i geuss its okay since u dont have 2 collect a lot of items(jems,beans,etc like all the other games) but the weak thing about being the dark prince is ur life goes down every 3 seconds but,the creators did a good job of spreadin enemys or jars containing sands of time wich replenishes ur,its not really a big deal.I also have 2 admit that the game has no violence at all!!! u cant slash an enemy into half or cuttin the head off . a BIG let down 2 the fans of the game but thnx 2 the great gameplay n boss battles n speed kills,yup speed kills!!! this makes the game more interesting!!! like god of war style!!! so guys this game wont let u down(well,not a lot)but overall,this game rox da world!!!