Best platforming fighter combonation EVER!

User Rating: 9.1 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones XBOX
The first one had puzzles, but bad combat. The second had awesome combat, but not enough puzzles. Here they found the combination. This game is epic and fun. You will find yourself sitting next to a friend playing this and say "did you see that!" I wish this game had a bigger audience. Then they could have bought a better physics engine. Yeah, sorry hair does goes through faces in this game and hands are giant blobs. I have know the last one (warrior within) and this one to be a little glitchy. During the game you are rewarded with very artistic cut scenes. Some times they let you solve and uber puzzle that may make you mad, but when you solve it you will run around screaming. They through in transformations into the dark prince and chariot races. You will find your self saying is this really the last game because the boss is not closure. The thing after the boss will satisfy that feeling. If only this game had xbox live, just better than the previous ones in that aspect.