This game is quite possibly the most satisfying conclusion to this spectacular series possible.

User Rating: 9.5 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones GC
The Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is the final installment of the unbelievably great Sands of Time trilogy.

As always, you play as the Prince. The old moves are back from the old games: Wall-running, climbing, fighting, and time-manipulating. But there are new moves as well, such as stabbing your dagger into a grate in the wall, swinging on a bar with a chain, fighting styles that make the prince look even more acrobatic, and more.

The music is pretty good, though it will never outstand the awesome music from The Sands of Time.

The controls are not as tight for the GameCube version as they are for the Playstation 2 version, but they work just fine.

The story begins with the Prince sailing home from the island from Warrior Within. But instead of home sweet home, he finds his city being ravaged by people from another land, and embarks on another journey. Sometime into the story, you begin to inadvertently transform into the Dark Prince, a being formed by the princes' prolonged exposure to the sands of time.

The Dark Prince has moves different to the princes', and also uses a long chain to attack enemies and sometimes help navigate. As you are the Dark Prince, your health meter will gradually drop. You need to collect sands of time in order to refill your health before you die.

You soon meet up with a surprising enemy, and then gain the Dagger of Time. With this, you can travel back in time, slow time down, and more. A nifty little knife.

You have a new ability called a speed kill, which, if you sneak up behind an enemy, allows you to kill it with a few well-timed button presses. The speed kill is vital in order to defeat bosses, so learn the timing and get a hang of it early!

The ending of the game is amazing, and leaves the player very satisfied. It is the end of the trilogy.

In all, the Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is the best game in its series.