Really fun, Innovative, and cool, but not as good as It's prequal. *Reveiw may contain spoilers*

User Rating: 8.9 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones GC
Prince of Persia: T2T is a great game. The stealthy feeling of speed kills makes you feel like an assasain. Pretty cool, but since there could be an opportunity for a speed kill just about everywhere, you have to use a dagger for a main weapon. That was very dissapointing. I wish we used a sword. The secondary weapons arent the best swords, they will break in like four attacks. But Ubisoft made up for it by making "the dark prince". Instead of using swords, he uses a daggertail. A whip with spikes and such.

One thing I really wish they would bring back from Warrior Within is the blood. It looks fake when all of a sudden you slice a guy in half and all there is is pouring sand and a glowing yellow light. It just doesent feel right.

Well, the point I want to get across is that the gameplay and the dark tone in WW made it a better game than T2T. But this game was a grreat way to end a series.