Not NEARLY as good as it's predecessors... but not bad...
The story:
The story continues with the young prince returning to Babylon after the events of the Warrior Within. I won't reveal to much of the plot as it gets really complicated in Warrior Within and you can't really understand the stroy of The Two Thrones without knowing the story of AT LEAST the Warrior Within, although both are highly recomended to play before this one. However, I do LOVE the entire story behind this.
The Graphics:
The graphics in this game were mediocre... I don't think that it even looked as good as either of the previous ones. Granted the fmv's looked much better, however, the in-game graphics were not that much better. I will give this game one big thing, the landscape and the enviornment is quite vast, whereas WW was simply just a few places repeated. Not to mention that the game is quite a bit smoother, however, all that is not enough for a grade better than 7.
(I'm cutting this review short as I feel like a broken-record.)
This game was a lot of fun and it was a good conclusion to the whole story. However, I can't give this game a better score than this for one simple fact, and you may call me stupid for it, but this game was in NO way better than either of the two previous games. I don't think that the story is nearly as in-depth or meaningful and I didn't care about what happened to the prince throughout the entire game, whereas in WW, I couldn't help but feel a driving force to solve this game just to see if everything ended well! That was another thing, in WW, there was FAR more and more interesting puzzles and bosses. This game compare to just a walk in the park.
This game was fun and worth a rent, or buy if you find it for less than 20 bucks, however, you can invest in the first two games and you will be doing just fine...