This game has it's 'ups' and 'way downs'

User Rating: 6.7 | Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2
Great visuals and a decent story is about all I can say right now about this installment of the Prince of Persia franchise. I loved the first two games but this one has me quite enraged. Don’t get me wrong, I love the sand-monster transformation twist, but the fight against the gay couple is enough for me to snap the disc in half. Of course when I say the gay couple’ I am referring to the sword and the axe twins. I spent a whole weekend trying to defeat them and I’m still stuck. I know the strategy, studied a video showing how it’s done, read the walkthrough’s section on that battle and it still seems impossible. It should be illegal to manufacture games that can not be beat. Prince of Persia, GO TO HELL!!!