The Prince of Persia meets the Dark Side . . . very nice.
User Rating: 9.1 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within XBOX
I am a huge fan of all types of video game (pc games included), but the one thing that I have always enjoyed is the darker side to a character. That being said, Warrior Within does an excellent job of showing the consequences of messing with fate. The time travel in the game iteself is somewhat intriguing. It parallels the use of extra dimensions just like Soul Reaver and Metriod Prime: Echoes; all the while, it adds its own little flavor and twists to it. The graphics for the game were on par with everything in the market today. The shadows are an especially nice touch to the game. The lighting, just like the Sands of Time, is amazing. Ubisoft needs to market their lighting engine to other games. The sounds are always fun to listen to, and Warrior Within is definitely a treat for the ears. All of the swords, the enemies talking smack to you, and the voices are all done very well. The gameplay is fun, if you like a hack n slash with some puzzle work to be done. Basically, if you liked Sands of Time, you'll like Warrrior Within. There isn't much else to say that hasn't already been said. If you're a die hard fan, you have to play this game. If you didn't like Sands of Time, stay away from it. It's more of the same with new twists and turns.