coming from a person that never played the ps2 version of the game, i gotta say im impressed
Now that i have it for psp im kind of glad i didnt really get it for the ps2. Alot of the psp games i have , i also own the homesystem counter part. that can be disapointing sometimes because you cant help comparing the psp version to the home system version wich are usualy alot better. So after trading in the king kong i got as a birthday present. i traveled back in time via my psp to the ancient persian kingdom. The games cutscenes and videos are done very well. the graphics and visuals on this game are as good as any other psp games maybe even better , meanwhile adding their own style and mood. the different camera angles and options are done very well. Being able to look around is extremly important in PoP because of the precise stunts and acrobatics needed to progress through the game. The fighting engine works well and will have you decapitating badies in no time. the music is good but sometimes seems to disapear and glitch. its nothing that is too harsh maybe just a bit annoying in such a high calibur of a game. this is definitly one of the best games that came out for the psp so far. hopefully sony and other game developers realize these types of games are the best suited for this system.
so judging this game as its own and not really having much to base on from the original id have to say this game had been developed very well and definitly worth a look into.