This is brutal fun. And I have never been more angry in my life.

User Rating: 9.1 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within XBOX
This game is so much fun to play. The gameplay is highly immersive and satisfies all need for brutal bloody fast-paced action. Hard puzzles and beautiful invironments add to the game. Combined with an intense rock soundtrack, PoP is so awesome I could not stop playing. Well, not true. I HAD to stop playing. No matter how awesome this game is, no matter how much I loved it, it has one fatal, fatal error. BUGS. Read the forums for information on all the different kinds. Suffice to say, I have never played a game with more bugs/glitches than this one. It was most definately not in final form when Ubisoft realeased it. I, being the unlucky person i am, got the game-ending portal glitch. Five minutes from the end fight, with all the life upgrades and the water sword, the portal doesn't work. I was so wrapped up in the game, and the game made me so angry, I almost destroyed my controller. I did have to glue a thumbstick back on.
Get this game if you want some brutal action, and are willing to replay everything if you get a game-ending glitch near the end of the game.