Prince of Persia: Glitches Within

User Rating: 8.8 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within GC
Prince of Persia:Warrior Within is a great follow up to its predecessor, which is something to be said for. The new fighting system adds alot of variety and a degree of sweetness when the camera switches to zoom in on your skill of slaughter. The addition of boss fights is a positive addition as well. The puzzles are just as good as the last and can require some thinking. The darker story line brings the prince's struggle to you, engaging the player in the game. So why didnt I rank this game higher? The glitches. Some glitches are minor, such as audio problems, but other are more serious and frustrating. I had one experience where i had to start over after a decent amount of time into it cause some switches did not appear when they should have, making it impossible to go on. Another time i was hopping a ledge and "got stuck" in a falling motion. Glitches aside, this is still a great game, and should be in your collection.