Great series gone down to MUG thankz to its stupid glitches way too many & frustraing areas which take alot out. UBI :(

User Rating: 6 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within XBOX
Gameplay: Hmmm pretty much same as pop1 wait no its not cuz the fighting system really isn't as good and after watchin vids of how many ways you can kill a guy or all those kool moves the game isn't period. They do have something going in the story but overall this game sux major cuz it didn't live up. I can't believe they could mess something up that was so good shame on UBI all there games have delivered but this one and I thought this one was gonna be good o was I wrong most dissapointing game ever. Why well theres glitches over and over never seen something like this anyone to give this game high score is insane if you wanna play a game thats hard its alrite but playin a game with glitchs that are unstoppable to get pass well I have spend a total of 30h playin only to end the game at the last boss how I got there was H3LL and I would never wanna do it again. Graphics: Ha nothing better then pop1 so that was kinda disappointing in fact I think pop1 had better levels and areas so overall outdated a bit after playin such games as NINJA GAIDEN!!! BOO YAA!!! Sound: Ok soundtrack I like the whole theme but the stupid sounds I heard as I died over and over of the Prince made me wanna pick this game up and send it back to ONKAR!!! but wait even ONKAR wouldn't have this game in. Value: HA if you beat it once BIG IF and want to play a game that isn't hard but is full of glitchs that make it VERY HARD and alot of frustraing areas ENJOY and I feel sad for you cuz you will waste the biggest time of you life. OVERALL: Dissapointed to the MAX after all the kook videos nothing could save this game it has good graphics for its theme, sound is alrite, gameplay does lack alot, and value well nothing cuz your never wanna touch this game. CAUTION MUG – ADVOID AT ALL COST INCLUDING FREE!!!!! Note: -you will travel the game in same areas in different times past, prestend, future which I think lacks level design its like playin a level over and over OMG so sad. -many way too many glitchs that will kill you making you start over ENJOY -story does have something going thats kinda good but after the h3ll you go thro mug the story end it now no pop3 im no buying it inless it gets a insane score. -graphics decent for the theme overall ok really -fighting system ha glitch glitch glitch it sux major I though it was gonna be good no it wasn't at all AGAIN I have played them all well most of them and this game will make you wanna break it, break you xbox, break the controller ect... GAMEPLAY: gltichs glitchs glitchs I warn you again for that a amazing 5 thats even HIGH im being nice here way too nice. GRAPHICS: a 7 pretty much same as pop1 and after playin other amazing games feels dum down the cutscene are done good tho a 7-8 ill give it 7 cuz I hate it. SOUND: ha the sounds are stupid Prince sounds like a sissy when he hits and dies but the music is alrite even tho it glitchs and plays out of no where haha I liked the theme of it so a 7 and thats being nice. VALUE: none you won't even beat it on normal only thankz to the stupid glitchs what a rip off thank god I didn't buy this one. ^^^this is being as nice as I can too but im just reviewing this crud I played haha ubi how could you all your games ROX from splintercell, ghost recon, rainbow, to far cry omg you really killed the pop series feeding it with mug or you guys must of been smokin pots of it from ONKAR, nothing but sad CAUTION MUG – ADVOID AT ALL COST INCLUDING FREE!!!!!