Many reviwers complained about the very dark visual style of this sequal... which sounds like fanbois complanign about the LoTR movies not being exactly liek the books... I think the hard rock inspired looks and music are a nice touch and make the game sant out in the crowd of games that pretend to be non-anachronistic. Speaking of graphics; I thought the art direction was excellent, like in most Ubisoft games, and the character design and atmosphering effects are some of the best you can find. The only problem is the clipping on some of the models and low res textures on the main characters. The sound is very good. The voice acting is sparse but of good quality. There are ambient effects and sound effects that enrich the experience. The music may not be your bag of tricks but I thought it was excellent mix of arabic motiffs and hard rock. There are not that many new challanges that are different from what you can find in the the last game and often the biggest problem is knowing which ledge you are "supposed" to jump on. This linear prograssion makes the jumping puzzles a hussle a second time through. There are no thinking puzzle in the game which makes the overall experience rather brain-dead. On the other hand the combat is very much fun: kinetic and bloody. The variety of options make the fights very fluid. Although the cobmat does get a bit boring after a while since the enemies keep respawning in areas you have cleared previously. A nice little touch is the ability to sneak up on enemies and take them out with a nasty strangualtion/beheading move. This is a short game. There are extras and two paths two the ending but you could probably finish the game in few hours once you know all the puzzels. A good cinematic experience, a great rental or a game to play at a friends house.
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The story continues from The Sands of Time in this Prince of Persia Sequel. This time, the Prince is out to change his destiny and alter time to circumvent his inevitable demise. The overall core game-play of the orig... Read Full Review
Warrior Within is an astonishing game and on which every action-adventure gamer should have. The prince that we all knew from Sands of Time has altered into a darker and more aggressive person. Many may criticize that du... Read Full Review