Prince of Persia Warrior within has a long campaighn and a good stroy and deserves the hype of it's predicesor.

User Rating: 8.9 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PS2
Some games deserve to be made and some don't Prince of Persia Warrior Within deserves to at least be tried. The campaighn can be very long so it wouldint be good as a rental. But overal It's plain and simply a fun game. You play as the prince a kinda fairy tale character in the Sands of Time but in this one you become something of a hardend warrior. Thou this doesn't make the game any worse it can make some people who are fanboys of SoT hate it. Prince of Persia Warrior within's story is good overal but the middle section can get kinda boaring, The combat system is highly intuitive and can get har to get use to, mostly because you soon realise that the prince can't take more then about 5 hits. The acrobatics in the game ae pulled off quite nicely and add even more to the gameplay. It can get difficult especially when your being chased by the Dahaka or out numberd. But if your a fan of difficult games you wont mind this much. The Prince becomes a much stronger warrior and it's much longer campaighn make it a better game then SoT. Over all I'm tired of everyone saying how much they hate the "new" Prince and want it to go back to the Sands of Time. Wile a great game Warrior Within still brings us all the things we loved about the old game, the jumping, the wal running and all the other crazy acrobatics. It has it's flaws but overall you at least desrve to try this game for yourself.