The Warrior Within is a great addition to the Prince of Persia series and one of the greatest Act/Adv games to date!!!!!
The Prince has defeated the Vizier and everything is going smooth. Until the Dahaka,
the guardian of the timeline, starts hunting down the Prince because he escaped his fate and
avoided death. The Prince knows this and goes out to destroy the Sands of Time itself on the
Island of Time. Play and find out the rest :P.
The gameplay in Ww is excellent. Combining amazing acrobatically skills with time control and amazing
battles and puzzle solving, the Warrior Within is one of the greatest action adventure games to date.
The prince is armed with a sword which he used to battle evil guys and big bossed throughout the game.
He gradually gets upgraded swords which deal more power and have extra abilities and etc.
The way the prince moves is simply awe inspiring. He runs up down and across walls, slides down drapes,
swings on ropes, jumps off bars, ledges and everything else you can think of! The whole game is practically one big puzzle/obstacle course with extras. When you find a way to get from point A to point B... or even to point C, D or E, you simply can't not feel that you accomplished a great feat doing what you just did. It makes you feel like you are the Prince, doing all those amazing things. The prince himself is sprouting a new, dark look to him. The whole game itself is way more violent and dark than the
first. Much more adult. The time control aspect is awesome. Slow down time to get to that door in time, fall off
a massive structure? Not to worry, just reverse time! In the game you actually have to go to the past to maneuver
around the environment and lots more! It's as simple as that! The time control is greatly integrated into the game and the game would not be the same without it! The fights are great fun, you find out a different strategy
to all enemies. There are also some really amazing boss fights and enemies in the game but I won't spoil too much.
The graphics are great. Much improved from the first. The cutscenes are gorgeous and beautiful to look at.
Everything in this game looks excellent and has a much darker feel to it. Some of the character designs are
just so cool and original.The whole games environment is simply awesome. Ranging from broken down castles to jungle
areas. Throne rooms to mystic caves to prisons to libraries and a lot more areas. Everything is beautiful.
The sound is great. Instead of Persian tunes there are heavy rock tunes playing whilst you cut off heads and whatnot.
The voice acting is brilliant. Just brilliant. Best voice acting in a game ever? Quite possibly. Just everything about
the way they voice the characters make it feel more real as it goes on. The sound affects are good, they fit with the action
quite splendidly.
This game is a masterpiece and everyone should go out and get it right now...or whenever. Just get it OK.
Everything about it is excellent. The Prince of Persia series is one of the greatest stories to be told and
one of the greatest game series ever!