kewl, dark and awesome

User Rating: 10 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PC
well guys, ask me what is the best game I ve played, I ll tell POP:Warrior Within. To tell about the game itself, the second in the series of POP trilogy, the game starts when the prince is wanted by the DAHAKA, the guardian of timeline for releasing the sands of time, the story takes place in the island of time, where the prince goes to reverse time such that he can prevent the sands of time even to be created. guess what, the island of time is ruled by the empress of times, who sees in time her death will be brought forth by the prince and the struggle between, Prince, Empress and DAHAKA is the story. The gameplay is so dark, that it gets scary at certain places, which is aided by the music. And the new Prince unlike the one from Sands of Time is very dark indeed. The controls are kept simple and handy which makes it a pleasure for the game to be played with keyboard and mouse, though a analog controller will do wonders for your gameplay. The gameplay the levels and the puzzles are intriguing and keep you interested with the gameplay, there are more elements for repeating the game. So if you want to play a game for soul quenching experience, go for POP: Warrior Within.