Never played the PS2 version, but PSP version is a bit letdown because the system is technically behind.

User Rating: 8.3 | Prince of Persia Revelations PSP
game-play: vast variety of different moves and fighting systems. The puzzles are as fun as in the original game with even more moves.

graphics: the cut scene is a little hazy because of the PSP system itself. In game graphics are great and crisp just some times too dark to see. Other than that, the effects are all perfect.

sound: sometimes there's pause or unsynchronized voice over. It makes the whole production value seems a bit low, and the game not as rich as it looks just because lack of perfect sound effects.

control: lack of the second analog stick really causes pain and confusion when controlling the camera. And just because you have to adjust the camera angle once so often before you make the next leap or next move, it significantly slow the action down. Make this game not as fluid as it should be in PS2 version. Besides the camera problem, everything else is fine.

This is a solid action adventure game and maybe the only decent fantasy based game out there for PSP right now. So those PSP gamer who are eagerly wanting to spend some quality time with their beloved portable should definitely pick this up on a go. Otherwise, if you already played this game on PS2 and don't really care about Prince of Persia anyways, then those technique issues are enough to keep you away from this "almost but not quite" experience on the PSP.