"Rock out to the Warrior within"

User Rating: 8.6 | Prince of Persia: Warrior Within GC
The original prince of persia game was a fantastic peice of gaming, with bright visuals, fluid controls and excellent platforming. Everything about the game was done almost perfectly, however its short length was a small hassle that us gamers had to put up with. Now, with the Prince of persia 2: warrior within out, the prince is back, and this time he's edgier, darker, meaner and bloodier! Is it a good thing? Or did Ubisoft go a bit to far on this one?

Prince of persia 2: warrior within follows the bold Prince of persia himself, as he tries to do the impossible: change his fate. Since he disrupted the sands in the first game, he is doomed to die, and has a terrible immortal creature called the Dhaka (or sumthing like that) following him, trying to kill him. He decides that he will not go down without a fight and takes off to find the empress of time and prevent her from making the sands, thus causing all of what is happening to be reversed.

The games story does a fairly good job of moving forward, and is quite interesting. Even though sometimes it gets hard to follow or to understand, for the most part it is quite riviting.
The most noticble change is the fact that the prince himself is no longer the lovable character he used to be in the first game. In fact, he is darker, much darker. He will swear, he will kill without mercy, he will taunt his opponents. This prince has now gained a new agenda, and hes only looking out forhimself, not caring about anyone else in his way. This new selfish aganeda is quite different from the sands of time, but you get used to it after a while.

The games best part, the platforming is still intact, as it is the most fun part of the game. Every level and room has a sweet and intricate puzzle system that begs exploration. The games graphics are fairly decent for a gamecube title, and some of the garden stages really shine with brightness, but some of the enviornmensts do feel a bit soggy and mundane otherwise.

The controls for the game work well, considering it is a gamecube title, and al of the pirnces moves, now upgraded with the new combat system are very fluid, combo-like and good.

The only thing that i would have a complaint about is the sound and music. I am a fan or rock and heavy metal, but i have to say at some moments, the music just doesnt fit with the game. It plays metal when im fighting ninjas in an arabian temple? meh. You get used to it, but couldve been better.

Overall warrior within is a great addistion to the serie and should not be overlooked by fans.